MVP Files Updated Landowner-Specific Crossing Plan Summary, Letter from WV SHPO

Mountain Valley Pipeline filed supplemental materials March 20 that included an updated Landowner-Specific Crossing Plan Summary and a letter from the West Virginia Division of Culture and History (WV SHPO).

The Landowner-Specific Crossing Plan Summary included changes to only two of the six properties included in the chart. The changes were made to note that landowners on the two parcels in question had been sent a third letter January 25, 2018 requesting information about their drinking water sources, and that MVP had received no response.

The letter from WV SHPO, addressed to FERC’s Paul Friedman and dated March 16, included WV SHPO’s comments to MVP’s Cultural Resources Identification and Evaluation Surveys in Summers and Monroe Counties, WV. Ultimately, the letter indicated that the agency concurred with the findings and recommendations in MVP’s report.

>> MVP Supplemental Materials Filed 3/20/18