MVP Releases Details About Pipe Explosion, 4 Mo Later
Washington, D.C. -- The Mountain Valley Pipeline released details about why a pipe exploded on Bent Mountain during water pressure testing four months ago to the Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration (PHMSA).
Russell Chisholm, co-director of the Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights Coalition (POWHR) responded:
“After four months of waiting, communities near the pipe rupture finally have details from MVP on what caused the pipe explosion during testing. The lab hired by MVP blames the rupture on weak steel and a defective weld. This is a pathetically predictable outcome; we know the MVP has used shoddy materials for their rushed construction job on this massive methane pipeline project. This is yet more evidence of the threat MVP poses to everyone along the route, and why the government never should have greenlit this corrupt project.”