Fund the Resistance
Your donations make our work possible. Here’s how you can contribute.
Donate online
Select POWHR in the dropdown.
Mail a check
Address checks to Virginia Organizing and write POWHR in the Memo line
Mailing address:
POWHR Coalition PO Box 809
102 Progress St. Pembroke, VA 24136-9998
Checks can be tax deductible!
Virginia Organizing is our 501(c)(3) nonprofit partner through our Joint Plan of Work and accepts donations on our behalf through Network for Good
Virginia Organizing is officially registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23209. You can write to this Department for all relevant financial statements and procedures regarding the solicitation of contributions.
What People are Saying
"The POWHR coalition is a vital frontline coalition that has been leading the fight for environmental justice in Appalachia for many years, as it builds alliances with the frontline organizations across the country. I urge everyone to support POWHR's ongoing work in whatever way you can!"
Jon Sokolow
"POWHR fights to protect us all. We must demand things good for ALL, not some. We ALL share one common thing - EARTH - so LOVE like it and protect it! "
Bernadette BJ Lark