Defund MVP
A group of smiling and singing community members rallying against in the Mountain Valley Pipeline in Roanoke, Virginia.

Send a message to banks funding the pipeline
This petition targets the top six financial backers of the MVP. Send a message to JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, MUFG, TD Bank, PNC, and Wells Fargo and tell them that continuing to fund the MVP is unacceptable!
The Climate Movement takes on Banks
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is a bad investment. It’s over budget, delayed, and has committed hundreds of environmental violations. The financiers propping up the project must get out – now.
As the climate crisis intensifies, banks and investment companies continue to pour money into the fossil fuel industry. For the future of our planet, they must stop funding climate chaos.
The climate movement has targeted institutions funding the climate crisis for decades. In 2016, Indigenous-led protests demanding that banks end their financing of the Dakota Access pipeline shut down bank branches across the country. Seattle and San Francisco, committed to cutting ties with the banks funding DAPL.
Several US banks have released climate promises due to pressure from the climate movement. However, they are not adequate. Wall Street is throwing increasing trillions at the fossil fuel industry.
As we bear the brunt of environmental discrimination and the climate crisis, these corporations are getting richer.
Protest signs with anti-pipeline messaging leaning against a white building in Roanoke, Virginia.
Why possums?
The mascot of our #DefundMVP campaign is the possum. Possums are a beloved Appalachian marsupial. They are everywhere. They are fierce. They are clever and resourceful. They love water. They are disliked by people who don't understand them.
Sound familiar? They're a lot like #StopMVP activists.
Get your possum on and join us on the streets.
We’re targeting the top six financial backers of the MVP. Send a message to JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, MUFG, TD Bank, PNC, and Wells Fargo and tell them that continuing to fund the MVP is unacceptable!
Take action to defund the Mountain Valley Pipeline! Send a message to banks funding the pipeline.
A person standing near Mountain Valley Pipeline construction with two red signs, one with a sad money face and another that reads “Destruction paid for by Wells Fargo”.
In addition, we are demanding Vanguard cease funding the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Sign up for the Asset Manager Wake Up Call to get updates.
MVP poses a risk to Next Era’s shareholders, who have borne the cost of construction delays and price hikes for the past decade. We are raising the alarm on MVP to Next Era and asking them to demand transparency and human rights consideration from MVP.
A group of community members talking and laughing at a picnic table in Newport, Virginia. A memorial to pipeline fighters that have passed sits behind them, as does a cloth flag that says “Third Act”.
Complete the following steps to move your money out of the key banks behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline.
Step 1: Move Your Money
Close your personal banking and credit card accounts at Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and other major banks behind the pipeline.
Resources for moving your money from Stop the Money Pipeline
Step 2 : Tell Your Bank Why You Are leaving
After you go to your bank and publicly close your account, write to Executives and Managers at the bank to explain your reasons.
Join this action from Sierra Club!
Step 3: Share This Page
Share this page with your friends and ask them to stand with you to stop funding the destruction of Appalachia and the planet.
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And share it on Twitter.