Who is POWHR?

Protect Our Water, Heritage, Rights (POWHR) is an interstate coalition representing individuals and groups from Virginia and West Virginia dedicated to protecting water, land, and communities from harms caused by the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, including the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). 

What does POWHR do?

POWHR members and organizations are part of a growing grassroots movement to stop fossil fuel expansion in Appalachia, including the MVP, and to kickstart the transition to a just and renewable future. We integrate the broader context of this pipeline fight into all our work, as part of a united fight to stop all new fossil fuel projects in the United States, combat environmental injustice, and meaningfully address the climate crisis.

Why does POWHR do this work?

● Defeat the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)

● Promote equitable, community-based energy alternatives

● Engage our larger community in climate, ecological and environmental justice activism

How does POWHR do this work?

● We grow and sustain a regional movement to stop MVP that is bound by commitment to land, water, and community

● We shift government priorities to the needs of people and the environment over corporations through community activism

● We resist environmental injustice by listening to and sharing frontline knowledge with our community and advocating for just, community-led solutions

● We expose the lack of necessity and major risks of fracked gas pipelines like MVP and other fossil fuel infrastructure through strategic organizing and communications

● We continue the practice of community-driven environmental quality monitoring through water  and construction monitoring along the MVP route

POWHR operates in a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing

POWHR has a Joint Plan of Work with Virginia Organizing, a 501c3 organization that accepts grants and donations on behalf of POWHR. Virginia Organizing is officially registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23209. You can write to this Department for all relevant financial statements and procedures regarding the solicitation of contributions.

Thank you to Virginia Organizing, without you we could not do this work!